Syiah Itu Agama, Bukan Mazhab daripada Islam
Agama Syiah mengkafirkan para pembesar sahabat secara umum. Pengkafiran ini boleh dilihat dalam kitab-kitab besar Syiah yang ditulis oleh ulama mereka, contohnya ialah wasiat para ulama mereka:
1. Abu Ja'far berkata:
"Semua manusia (kaum muslimin Ahli Sunnah wal-Jamaah) menjadi Ahli Jahiliyah (kafir/murtad setelah kewafatan Rasulullah) kecuali empat orang, Ali, Miqdad, Salman dan Abu Dzar".
2. Al-Kulaini mensifatkan Abu Bakar, 'Umar dan 'Uthman telah terkeluar dari kalangan orang yang beriman (murtad/kafir) lantaran tidak melantik Ali sebagai khalifah setelah Rasulullah sallallahu 'alaihi wa-sallam wafat.
Malah al-Kulaini mengkafirkan seluruh penduduk Mekkah dan Madinah. Menurut Kulaini:
"Penduduk Madinah lebih buruk dari penduduk Mekkah dan penduduk Mekkah telah kufur kepada Allah dengan terang-terang".
Al-Kulaini juga menetapkan dalam kitabnya al-Kafi:
"Sesiapa yang tidak beriman kepada Imam Dua Belas maka dia adalah kafir walaupun dia keturunan Ali atau Fatimah".
3. Al-Majlisi seorang ulama besar Syiah menegaskan:
“Bahawa mereka (Abu Bakar, 'Umar dan 'Uthman) adalah pencuri yang khianat dan murtad, keluar dari agama, semoga Allah melaknat mereka dan semua orang yang mengikut mereka dalam kejahatan mereka, sama ada orang dahulu atau orang-orang kemudian".
Budak Ali bin Husin berkata:
"Saya pernah bertanya kepada Ali bin Husin tentang Abu Bakar dan 'Umar. Maka dia menjawab: Keduanya kafir dan sesiapa yang mencintainya juga kafir".
4. Abu Basir (ulama Syiah) menegaskan:
"Sesungguhnya penduduk Mekkah telah kufur kepada Allah secara terang-terang dan penduduk Madinah lebih buruk dari penduduk Mekkah, lebih buruk tujuh puluh kali dari penduduk Mekkah".
Demikianlah kenyataan, fatwa, kepercayaan, pandangan dan tuduhan jahat para ulama Syiah terhadap Ahli Sunnah wal-Jamaah sama ada terhadap ulama atau orang awamnya
Ayuh Sepakat Menolak Syiah!
Verily, Allah the Most Wise have
fated us to live in this age. An age testifying ‘Jahiliyyah’ reigns over all corners of the world. An age witnessing the disbelievers prevails
in their ambition to topple over the caliph and discard all traces of its
history. As a matter of a fact, they succeeded to isolate Islam from
functioning and playing its role in humanity. Our enemies have westernize our
children and distance them from commitment towards their faith, except very few
of those who are loved by Allah, among the righteous, steadfast and true.
Moslem who is aware and concern will admit that Islam, at this particular
moment is at its most critical phase it has seen. They are aware that they are
stuck in a long and fierce battle with their greatest enemies. They are aware
on treats outside and inside their own people. Every Moslem who is alert and
sensitive will agree and acknowledges on this truth.
us we see a majority of people who are not aware and neglectful. They do not
accept the fact that truth and falsehood will forever collide. The clash
between the believers and disbelievers will forever exist.
Verily Allah has mentioned in the Holy Quran :
Al-Anbiya Verse 18
What we fail to
truth we must accept that we live in a time where Islam is being ruled over by
the west. In a way that is subtle and tricky. Islam at this particular age is
down, beaten and bleeding at its extreme. We see the enemies announce their
ambition to oppose the Moslem openly, without needing to hide, without fear.
Among the true believers, they face threats coming from every corners, all directions.
Look closely and we see mast killing in Palestine. We see liberalism,
pluralism, and secularism creeps into the Moslem society. When our people are
busy fighting among ourselves on who is right and who is wrong.
A condition similar to what is mentioned by Prophet SAW :
"There will come a time when nations fear you like raiding dishes, God will lift the hearts of your enemies from fear and throw against you weakness in your hearts." Someone asked: Is it because of our small number at that time, O Messenger of Allah? The Prophet said: "No, at that very time you are big in number, but you are just like the foams on the sea.’’ Someone asked: What are the weaknesses, O Messenger of Allah? Prophet said: "The love of the world and fear of death."
Iran stands to defend Syiah. The
west defends Christianity and Israel defends the Jews. Who will stand up for
the Moslem?
The insensitive will remain
ignorance. Not rattled by dangers
and warnings that lurks around them. Those faithful slowly lose hope.
Defenceless, slowly, we lower our head in shame towards the enemies.
Why do we care?
Those who make effort to
strengthen the ‘Ummah’ are not many. These people work hard to potentiate the
rise of the ‘Ummah’ and open its eyes in its deep illusion. To warn against
ruins of they own doing. Only those who are alert and aware will bear to carry
this responsibility. They are steadfast
and firm in the middle of people who live without a stand. Patience and steady
in the mist of people who are trembling. Brave when all others fear. Awake when
all others are trapped in deep slumbers. They force a way when all others
oppose them. Optimistic when all others lost hope.
These are people
mentioned in the Holy Quran :
Al-Ahzaab 23
These are men inspired by words of the Prophet SAW when he
was offered wealth, and rank by the disbelievers in Mecca in return for a
cessation of preaching towards Islam. He replied with these famous words
written in history :
So we call to those who wish for a change and serious for
some repairs, possess faith and awareness, will and determination, vision and
confidence to incline towards this small group of people described before. Verily,
this road leads to a sure and guaranteed end. It will inspire glory, triumph
and the best possible result. Islam will stand above all others as promised by
Allah. Either triumph by our own hand, or others. So why not make ourselves a
factor in its glory? Will you seat by seeing others claim the honour?
At-Tawbah verse 32
The Outcome
To people who are steadfast and patience, we call for them
to plunge into the battlefield armed with the Holy Quran and its light that lit
the darkest of night. Every situation analysed and internalized with facts and
truth from its teachings.
Struggles starts with faith. Only for those who are aware..
Struggles starts with faith. Only for those who are aware..