
All life is a coming home
Doctors, Lawyers, Fisherman, Clerks, Meat slaughters
All of us
All of the restless hearts in the world
All trying to find a way home
The dictionaries define it as both a place of origin, and a goal or destination
Home is a place where someone belongs
A place where one's purpose and responsibilities feels being fulfilled
To enjoy all achievements, and smile with every hardship
Some may say that returning home is an act of repenting
For one who has strayed a path, haunted by his wrong doings
How timid can we be
How far can home be
Picture yourself walking for days in a driving snow
You don't even know you're walking in circles
The heaviness of your legs in the drifts
Your shouts disappearing in the wind
The storm
The storm was all in our mind
In the middle of the journey, we lost our path
Eventually, we will find the right path
But in the most unlikely of places
The serenity lies in the heart
In the middle of the struggle, we lost ourselves
Eventually, we will find the right self
In the strange unsung of happiness..

Yes, there will be hardship and worries

"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find peace"
Ar-Ra'd verse 28


cikyin said...

the most comfy place :) ❤
penjelasan and penerangan yang menyentuh

aliff asyraf said...

tafsiran home dalam ni banyak
tapi apa2, lepas tulis rasa rindu malaysia plak.. haha.. lama x balik malaysia.. haha


anwar azhari said...


aliff asyraf said...

just adding a little spice.. :)