What we want in life, maybe is not the best for us

Anonymous :
u know wat..I read some of ure posts in ure blogspot..it's interesting to know how u review bck ure life..I have one question as a matter of fact..it happens to me..u know,that actually I'm doing A level in kolej yayasan UEM.I'm intended to read medicine in the UK university.So I have this so-called system UCAS.In UCAS,we medical students will have 4 options only to pursue medicine in one of the Uk universities.Prior entering our medical course we will have to finish our A level course first,basically 2 years in my college.Again,to enter one of the universities we have to wait for the interview offers.In my case I have been waiting for like a month but some of my partners had already got 3 out of four.Sumtimes,I felt really upset left out u know after praying lots to Allah in order to get interviewd but still I havent seen a sunshine to uplift my spirit so far.I'm afraid my application will be rejected and if that's so my chance will be diminished.what's ure advice?I know I'm a stranger to you but I just need ppl opinions.Waiting is sumthing like a torture and that's when a lot of other feelings-putus harapanla,dah kurang berdoalah-come in.It's disturbing.It's like a situation when u really2 badly need it but still ure waiting 4 it n u started to lose control emotionally n hope to Allah.sorry to say,but things like this happen.I know it shouldnt be that way.just to share.And if u feel free to hit back I'm so happy to listen.

This is a message I received in facebook yesterday
It happens so that when I read this msg, I couldn't be more interested
I experinced the same situation too... In different times and circumstances ofcoz
In fact, so often along my memoirs of life...
And Im pretty sure many others shares the same wait
Waiting for something we want feels like forever
Chasing a dream we want seems an impossible distance
So near yet so far
For whats its worth, we pray for the best
But whats best, comes inevitably

I once lived 5 years in Manchester, England (1992-1997)
My dad did his masters and phD there
My mom works in a factory to support our family
My brother, Aizat went to primary school from year 1 to year 5 if I am not mistaken
I had the time to make it in nursury, year 1 and 2
Cheatwood primary school is where we study
Two of my beloved sisters, aini and aina were born there
What we weared on daily, are clothes from a one pound CARBOOT shop
"selekeh" is the word to desribe
We dun have that much money
I couldn't remember much
Still a kid and most of my memories comes from mom and dad
It wasn't the best of life
But those were the most happy days in my childhood time

Coming to form 5 in sm sains alam shah
I studied hard as any other student
Hoping that one day of returning there
And see how much the place changed since the last time when we were gone
That is a dream I hold even until now

By march 2008, I didn't achieve enough
That day onwards I still kept faith for an offer
But sadly...........................................

However, during my studies in kolej matrikulasi melaka (KMM)
Out of the blue, I received an offer call from MARA for studing medicine
Surpricingly, it was for timur tengah (egypt)!!!
since when did I applied??????
Thinking it through with my family, I decided to take it
And here is where I am now
Early arrival, eeerrrrrr..... not the place I imagined to be
Why am I here again??????????

Over a year had passed by
And little by little, I learned to love this place
I learned so much
I began to learned true maturity and meanings in life
And began to learned the true meaning of Islam
Still more to learn, and I hope to learn more
I am with outstanding friends to guide me
And in one or two things, I hope to touch their life too

The answer to the question of why do I not get what I want is

In everything, we dream off the best
University, academic results, profession, salary
However, when things dun come our way.. We feel weak, unsettled, and start giving up
Did we ever think that maybe, that is the source of strength for us to try harder?
Or is that a source for us to improve spiritually, to pray more, and do more deeds to Allah and people around us
Or is that a hinder from us being lazy?
And to the worst, is that to prevent us from being arrogant and so full of ourselve?

Nauzubillah min zalik

Sometimes, happiness comes from something we dun want
Unexpected, yet welcoming and warm
When we dream of something, work it all out
Success or failure, that is the best from Allah........

Al Qashash ayat 70
Dan Dialah Allah, tidak ada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia, bagi-Nyalah segala puji di dunia dan di akhirat, dan bagi-Nyalah segala penentuan dan hanya kepada-Nyalah kamu dikembalikan

Al 'Ankabuut ayat 23
Dan orang-orang yang kafir terhadap ayat-ayat Allah dan pertemuan dengan Dia, mereka putus asa dari rahmat-Ku, dan mereka itu mendapat azab yang pedih.

p/s : to the one asking, hopefully this will answer yur question. Be strong :)


nizahari said...

Nice post. Pernah tulis perkara y sm but i end up keeping it as a draft. Mungkin xkn post, so i would like to share it here..

...Never feel as down as that. Mungkin biasa dengar hidup ibarat roda kejap kat ats kejap kt bawah. Dan ak bleh kata ak skrang kat bawah.
Sampai ak start mempersoalkan 'kenapa' Is it because I dont deserve to have it? Usaha ak xckup ke? or..Aku ad wt salah ke sampai ak hilang keberkatan tuk rs nikmat itu. Tp sampai bila? Nearly giving up. Bila dah berfikir secara waras balik, diri berasa amat teruk. Mempersoalkan ketentuan-Nya sama dengan tidak mempercayai qada dan qadar. Iman dimanakah? Senipis parasites on the slide kah? T.T
Praise to The Almighty, He's the best planner. Bila ak sedar ap y ak xsedar: Dy bg ap y hr2 ak mintak by tdk mmberi y laen. He's answering my prayer: Jauhilah ak dari sesuatu y membuatkan ak riak dan takbur yang boleh menjauhkan diri ku dari-Mu. =) Better cmtu dr rs dri sndri best but lalai mngigatiny. Mungkin I'll deserve to have it someday.. tp bkn skrang. Siapa taw? Wallahua'lam..

To anonymous: Dont lose hope =)

aliff asyraf said...

shukran jazilan kak niz
satu benda yg besar utk dikongsi
satu hari nanti
Allah akan berikan kepada kita bila kita dah btul2 layak
kejayaan adalah bagi org yg sabar
klau bukan di sini
mgkin di akhirat kelak
dalam bentuk ganjaran yg paling sempurna
jangan sesekali kita lari dari usaha

lalala~ said...

lorh... evry single person in this world must haf xperienced this kind of situation in life la. well at least once. must b damn lucky if xpernah skli pun. its simple, thats what life is. dont expct evrythin goes the way u wants it to. sometime it does, and sometimes it goes the other way around. dont go thinkin like 'tak cukup smayang ke? ade buat silap ke smpai aku kene mcm ni?' etc2. if that what Allah wants ur life to b, then just face it like a man (or woman la, myb gurl too xP). if u r giving up or nearly watever, then u fail. epicFAIL. nikmat tu lak takde la all the time available. wait for it... and when its there, rase la nikmat tu puas2 haha! best post ni. its a normal typical things in evryone's life, but never seen one post about it la. btw, url xde kene mengene pon haha! peace~

AnAk iBu said...

kenapa semua komen pnjang.
ak nk bg komeng pendek.


aliff asyraf said...

lalala : Never seen anyone post bout it? Why not. Satu benda yg kita terlepas pandang bila diberi dugaan..
Nauzubillah min zalik dari semua itu

Anak ibu : Aku pun nak bagi pendek! sekian.. haha