What is being different all about?

Had just reached my 20th birthday.
Finally past my teens and reaching adulthood..
InsyaAllah, hopefully to be more matured in the way I think, the way I solve my everyday problems, to make wiser choices, to be more calm in the way I act, and most importantly, to fulfill my responsibilities as a servant to Allah, a son, a little brother, a big brother, a student, a friend more truely..

One of the best aspect for my birthday was that I receive birthday wishes from variety of friends.. Some from friends that I didn't keep in touch for awhile.. Old friends, and new friends..

Bringing me to realize that to have met many people from different races, different standards, different talents, different way of thinking and behavior truely is a blessing from Allah.. Learning something new from each of them..

We may not born with the same characteristic, the same attributes, the same personal backgrounds.. Contrasting in all sort of ways..
But to think that we were able to know and understand each other, working together, studying together, leading a organization together, playing together.. For every laughter, every sorrow, every achievements, every downfalls.. Everything, was always a privelage.. One that we are called to benefit from.. Cause that is what life is.. To grow and learned from each other.. To share specialties and shortcomings.. That is what being different is all about..

For all my ups and downs in lifes, I will always recall that I have great friends and great supports..
This much.. I say Thank You.. ^_^

Wahai manusia, sesungguhnya Kami menciptakan kamu daripada seorang laki-laki dan seorang perempuan dan menjadikan kamu berbangsa - bangsa dan bersuku-suku supaya kamu saling kenal-mengenal. Sesungguhnya orang yang paling mulia di antara kamu di sisi Allah ialah orang yang paling bertaqwa diantara kamu. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui lagi Maha Mengenal.” (Al-Hujurat : 13)

“Sesungguhnya kamu benar-benar dalam keadaan berbeza pendapat.” (Adz-Zariyat : 8)


Meru said...

sanah helwah ya gamil..

tahun manis wahai si cantik??

tahun cantik wahai si manis??

Anonymous said...

semakin cantik dan manis tahun ini.


islahmujahidin said...

Selamat birthday
tp jangan berangan nak ........

k2 , salam perjuangan dari housemate...
xsempat nak balas dendam..
kat msia la katakan..
selamat memburu lailatul qadr

suhailsufian said...

happy birthday!

to someone with various talent.

with great attitude,

just make sure you're walking on the right track,wearing the right shoes

coz, they are much to see,and much to endire, right?

khair insya'allah

aliff asyraf said...

Abu : haha.. tq abu..
klau direct translation.. tahun manis wahai si cantik aa.. tukar cantik ngan macho.. haha

Anonymous : oo.. insyaAllah.. semoga anda pun sama..

syahmi : aloooo...... nape x boleh???? haha.. xdela.. aku tau ko suruh aku siap-siapkan diri dulu :P

hehe, tu la kelebihan sambut kat malaysia.. haha.. kata nak datang bandar tun razak kena kan aku.. haha
insyaAllah.. ko pun.. selamat berburu..

ustaz suhail : many talents.. untuk seseorang cam saya.. xdela.. ramai lagi yang hebat2.. :)

erm.. shukran ustaz.. insyaAllah, banyak lagi yang kita akan rasa..
khair untuk ustaz, keluarga ustaz dan ikhwah-ikhwah semua insyaAllah..

Anonymous said...

happy birthday en asyraf (:

aliff asyraf said...

haha.. panggil aliff je la.. tq qila :)